Lilly Gebhart Places in DAR Essay Contest
Eighth grade student Lilly Gebhart earned third place in the Daughters of the American Revolution’s annual essay contest.
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Eighth grade student Lilly Gebhart earned third place in the Daughters of the American Revolution’s annual essay contest.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Antigone Now, who finished their competition season last weekend at the Mississippi Theatre Association’s statewide festival.
Congratulations to all the Jackson Academy students who earned recognition in the statewide, highly competitive 2019 Scholastic Art Competition.
Ten contestants took to the platform to compete in the school’s National Geographic Geography Bee last Friday.
Senior Kinkead Dent signed to play football at the University of Mississippi on Wednesday, December 19 at 11 a.m.
Senior Kinkead Dent signed to play football at the University of Mississippi on Wednesday, December 19 at 11 a.m. Joining Dent for the event were his family, coaches, teammates, faculty, fellow students, and friends. With 6,740 total career yards, 62 touchdowns, and a 23-16 record, Dent’s leadership and tenacity as a player have been proven […]
Jackson Academy seniors Avery Hederman and Erin Hederman of Jackson, Darby Douglas of Madison, and Columbia Holeman of Morton signed to play collegiate sports during a ceremony this month.
Jackson Academy seniors Avery Hederman and Erin Hederman of Jackson, Darby Douglas of Madison, and Columbia Holeman of Morton signed to play collegiate sports during a ceremony this month. On hand to congratulate these outstanding Lady Raiders were their families, fellow students, faculty and staff, and Alpha & Omega Buddies from kindergarten. Columbia Holeman, […]
Lucy Clement, Anne “Kit” McCormack, and David “Burkette” Moulder III have been recognized as Semifinalists in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program.