Show Choirs Complete Seasons
Both Showtime and Encore show choirs have had very successful competition seasons.
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Both Showtime and Encore show choirs have had very successful competition seasons.
Established to recognize scholastic achievement in secondary schools, the Cum Laude Society has granted charters to only four schools in Mississippi. Jackson Academy’s chapter welcomed these new members in an induction ceremony this morning: (from back, left) Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Avery Hederman, Sam Ciaccio, Burkette Moulder III, Columbia Holeman, Kit McCormack, Hadley Brennan; (front) Blaine Bowman, Hannah Collums, Anna Claire Williams, Allie Perkins, and Erin Hederman.
Established to recognize scholastic achievement in secondary schools, the Cum Laude Society has granted charters to only four schools in Mississippi. Jackson Academy’s chapter welcomed these new members in an induction ceremony this morning: (from back, left) Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Avery Hederman, Sam Ciaccio, Burkette Moulder III, Columbia Holeman, Kit McCormack, Hadley Brennan; (front) […]
Jackson Academy’s show choirs began their competition season Friday and Saturday on a high note. JA’s Middle School and Upper School groups delivered impressive performances that yielded enthusiastic applause, accolades, and the judges’ top award for Encore at Jackson Prep’s Show Choir Masters Competition. Showtime Showtime earned first runner up in the Large Division for […]
“I like to let them think I’m boring,” said Sara Bannerman. Describing her interests and activities, though, the ninth-grade honors English teacher rapidly dispelled any possibility of being referred to as “boring.” Bannerman’s day-to-day life, including experience in contact combat, fencing, photography, and music, rivals that of the literary characters she teaches students to understand […]
Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Hadley Brennan, Hannah Collums, Ilana Dallaire, Lacey Irby, Kaitlyn Johnson, William Laird, Braden Lewis, Robert Lewis, Randolph Maxwell, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth Nosef, Alexa Perkins, Maggie Smith, Emma Ward, Margaret Whitehead Eleventh Grade Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, William Butler, Johnathan Carpenter, Ellie Cartwright, Lucy Clement, […]
Jennifer Wahl discovered her purpose in first grade. She would be a school teacher. For the next 15 years that dream persisted and became refined as she progressed through elementary, middle, and high school. Jackson Academy is glad to welcome Wahl’s focus and passion to our community as she teaches mathematics in the Upper School. […]
As their bus pulled through College Station they watched the busy pace of a college campus. It is a pace that Garrett Clarke and Max Rogers will be diving into next fall as they enter college. For Jarvon Gaines, Kelsey Ford, and Elliott Butler there is still another year and a half at JA, but […]
Pepper the humanoid robot visited and even danced with JA Upper School students Preston McWilliams, Burkette Moulder, Ashton Berry, Kit McCormack, and teacher Sarah Shaw as they participated in a coding competition. C Spire hosted its second C3 high school competition at its headquarters one day before national S.T.E.M. day. The C3 program features a […]
Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Blaine Bowman, Hadley Brennan, Hannah Collums, Ilana Dallaire, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, Lindsey Nosef, Allie Perkins, Claire Ross, Maggie Smith, Lillie Walker, Emma Ward, Brehan Whitehead, Anna Claire Williams Eleventh Grade Ashlyn Adair, Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton […]