Upper School News

Students Learn About Leadership and Community Through Service

Ten Jackson Academy students have been selected to represent their school and hometown while learning more about leading and serving. Each year, area chambers of commerce and nonprofit organizations contact JA’s counselors with invitations for students to apply to their leadership programs. Specific programs have unique emphases, but all aim to cultivate men and women of character prepared to lead the next generation with wisdom and humility.


Impressionist Exhibit Inspires JA Students

Viewing an exhibit of masters of Impressionism just a few moments from your school is an opportunity too exceptional to miss. Thanks to the Mississippi Museum of Art, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi, and the Feild Cooperative Association Incorporated, Jackson Academy art and French students received free admission to Van Gogh, Monet, Degas & Their Times, an exhibit of 74 pieces curated from the posthumously donated, personal collection of Paul and Bunny Mellon. The exhibit, which is the 17th collection of the Annie Laurie Swaim Hearin Memorial Exhibition Series, features some of the most prominent artists and works of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Blood Drive Honors Cancer Patients Through Community Service

Last week as Breast Cancer Awareness month came to a close, the Jackson Academy community had a fantastic opportunity to honor those who have survived or are currently fighting cancer. Cancer patients often require blood or blood products, such as plasma or platelets, and so on Wednesday, Mississippi Blood Services pulled into the JA parking lot. The organization parked two vans at the school and turned the PAC lobby into a Halloween-themed blood donation site.


Middle School Combines Halloween and Giving

Just prior to Halloween, seventh and eighth grade students divided into groups by their birthday months and visited outdoor areas on campus designated for trick or treating. Ninth and tenth grade students raised money for Student Council Christmas projects by braving entry into a Haunted House Thursday evening.


Podcasting in Class

Bronwyn Burford’s financial management students are out on a special assignment to research, record, and produce a podcast! Students will use the application Anchor to record and edit their findings on topics related to personal financial management. They’ll also be working together in groups of two or three, practicing collaboration, and interviewing friends and faculty for their episodes, a great way to hone communication skills. This project is so full of learning opportunities it’s categorized as an educational superfruit!


Rowdies’ Mr. Wolf Explained

If you’ve been to a JA Raider athletic event (and who hasn’t?), you have glimpsed a gray figure that seems quiet and still amid the raucousness of pep rallies and games. Mr. Wolf, who accompanies the boys spirit team known as the Rowdies, is a stalwart supporter of the Raiders. But why?


Encore and Showtime Overcome Obstacles on the Path to Competition

Normally, choreographers Kevin Chase and Nick Quamme spend a week at JA teaching Encore and Showtime the dances for their upcoming competition season. But 2020 isn’t a typical year. Instead of visiting Jackson, Chase and Quamme taught choreography via Zoom from their studios in Iowa and Wisconsin as students watched from the Performing Arts Center’s choral music room.