The Book Nook, established by Middle School Literature teachers Nan Dear and Shelle Pinkard through a JAA C.A.R.E. Grant, provides students in fifth and sixth grade access to hundreds of grade-level and age-appropriate fiction and non-fiction titles. Organized by genre, the Book Nook is open each day for students to explore and select books for pleasure or for class assignments. Several fifth and sixth graders, as well as Upper School student Sarah Clay, have been instrumental in helping Dear and Watson inventory and organize newly acquired books this year. This quarter, they have volunteered their time during study hall and play break.
Sophomore Sarah Clay has been volunteering with the Book Nook since it opened. “When it was first getting started, I helped stamp all the books with a stamp that said “Fifth and Sixth Grade Book Nook,” so the books would not get lost or stolen,” Sarah said. Now, she and the other volunteers alphabetically sort the books and shelve them according to genre. “I wanted to be involved in the Book Nook because I feel like it was a good use of my time and energy, and so the fifth and sixth graders had the opportunity to have books at their disposal to read. I feel like by volunteering I have gained the feeling that I am contributing to the JA community.”
C.A.R.E. stands for Classroom Academic and Resources Enhancement, and the grants are provided by the JAA every other year to classrooms for projects, equipment, materials, field trips, and programs. The grant program is one of many ways JA’s parent association contributes to the school’s academic excellence. Grants for the 2021-2022 academic year will be announced at this year’s staff and faculty luncheon this Thursday. These grants enrich and enhance many students’ educational experience each year, and applications are open to individual teachers, groups of teachers, or departments to submit grant requests. To learn more about the JAA’s fundraising efforts and contributions to campus life, visit https://jacksonacademy.org/jaa/.