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Test Prep Emphasis Led by ACT Certified Educator

Jackson Academy’s own Ann Boswell Carlson is to lead test prep for tenth to twelfth grade students. Carlson’s journey at JA started as a student in K4 and continued through graduation. While finishing her education at Belhaven University, she returned to JA, working with her mom, George Johnson, the Preschool librarian.


JA Welcomes New Faculty and Staff

Join us in welcoming more than 30 new employees to Jackson Academy this year. These faculty and staff members took part in a new employee orientation before school began, and they are actively teaching, coaching, and providing support to the school in their respective roles.


JAA Sponsors Opening School Event

The Jackson Academy Association opened the new school year with a festive event for parents and friends that harkened back to the Roaring Twenties. As guests entered the Country Club of Jackson for A Blue & White Night, they received pearl-colored flapper necklaces and tickets for table games.


Choral Music and Showchoir Leaders Introduced

Jackson Academy’s new Director of Choral Music, Garrett Lindsey, began preparations this summer for the show choir and choral music seasons and the academic instruction accompanying them. In his role, he oversees Upper School choral music programs and the Upper School showchoir, Encore.


Graduation 2022

JA conducted graduation ceremonies in the Brickyard for the third year in a row, a new and favored tradition introduced during the pandemic. At 7 p.m., the ceremony opened with Faculty Member Chris Tucker carrying the school banner onto the field for the very last time. Administrators, faculty members, and seniors followed, processing from the west end of the field to the east before taking their seats.


The Leader for the Day Is…

Students look forward to moments when teachers allow them to be leaders. Today at Jackson Academy, third grader Caroline Reeves served as the leader, not just for her class but for the whole school.