Parents Shadow Band Members

November 8, 2022 / All News

Learning how to play an instrument beautifully or twirl and toss a flag or rifle–while following marching patterns without colliding with other participants–are skills developed during band practice. Recently, Jackson Academy band parents shadowed their children to learn just how challenging these tasks can be.

Parents tried out their abilities with instruments, marching, the drumline, and color guard. Drummer Charlie Earl’s dad even ventured into the gyroscope to attempt a drum cadence while spinning.

Band parents are highly involved in the band program. One regular task of parents is helping get band equipment on and off their field in a timely manner during halftime shows, since the game times must be strictly observed.

Band shadowing gave parents a fun way to connect with what their students are learning in the band. Most agreed that they were perfectly happy to resume their regular parental role moving band equipment from now on, but they had great fun on the field shadowing their students.