
Blood Drive Honors Cancer Patients Through Community Service

Last week as Breast Cancer Awareness month came to a close, the Jackson Academy community had a fantastic opportunity to honor those who have survived or are currently fighting cancer. Cancer patients often require blood or blood products, such as plasma or platelets, and so on Wednesday, Mississippi Blood Services pulled into the JA parking lot. The organization parked two vans at the school and turned the PAC lobby into a Halloween-themed blood donation site.


Middle School Combines Halloween and Giving

Just prior to Halloween, seventh and eighth grade students divided into groups by their birthday months and visited outdoor areas on campus designated for trick or treating. Ninth and tenth grade students raised money for Student Council Christmas projects by braving entry into a Haunted House Thursday evening.


JA Carnival Delights Students

Last Friday, students in K3 through fourth grade took turns visiting the Brickyard to participate in the annual JA Carnival. Volunteers from the Jackson Academy Association, JA’s parent organization, had transformed the area from a field of competition to a field of celebration, with traditional carnival games ready for all to enjoy! Members of the JAA planned and prepared for months to provide a carnival like no other this year, resulting in a fun, memorable success.


Sixth Grade Scientists Explore Space

The universe will tell our sixth graders some of its secrets this month as they complete a project devised by teacher Katie Chustz. To complement their McGraw Hill Inspire Science Earth and Space curriculum, students will use the Sky Walk application to track moon phases for 29 days. Tomorrow they will begin this month-long study, just in time for Saturday night’s blue moon.


JA Spirit Teams Capture Four Championship Titles

JA cheerleaders, dance teams, and drumline demonstrated their skills at inspiring audiences during the MAIS Spirit Competition held at the Mississippi Coliseum yesterday. The newest addition to spirit competition is a drumline show, this year held as an exhibition. JA’s drumline delivered a lively, crowd-pleasing performance. JA spirit teams brought home four championship titles, three runner up positions, and two All-Star recognitions. Congratulations to all of JA’s spirit teams!


Podcasting in Class

Bronwyn Burford’s financial management students are out on a special assignment to research, record, and produce a podcast! Students will use the application Anchor to record and edit their findings on topics related to personal financial management. They’ll also be working together in groups of two or three, practicing collaboration, and interviewing friends and faculty for their episodes, a great way to hone communication skills. This project is so full of learning opportunities it’s categorized as an educational superfruit!


Community Helpers Day in K3

To a three-year-old, a box of dress-up clothes is a portal to a world of possibilities. Last Friday, the K3 classes stepped through such a portal to imagine the world of the community helpers who keep us safe. The students arrived dressed up as firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, and many other community helpers and paraded through the playground for all of their Preschool and Lower School friends to see.


Investigator Educates Middle School Students on Internet Safety

Middle School students gathered in the PAC yesterday morning to hear a presentation from guest speaker Jay Houston on online safety and cybercrime. Houston is a certified forensic computer examiner and commands the Internet Crimes Against Children unit within the Attorney General’s office of cybercrime division. He has served as an investigator for 13 years with the ICAC unit, and uses his experiences in the field to inform and encourage students.