JA Recognized as a Common Sense School
Common Sense, the national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology, has recognized Jackson Academy as a Common Sense School.
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Common Sense, the national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology, has recognized Jackson Academy as a Common Sense School.
Within a moment, it seemed, parents, students, and teachers were operating in an uncharted, oddly constrained environment. Individually and collectively, they rose to the occasion, making the most of the situation. Parents’ cards, emails, and letters of appreciation to faculty and staff share glimpses from inside the thresholds Jackson Academy families. Some teachers say the notes and emails have “carried” them through this time. Read Postcards from Home from parents who’ve given us permission to reprint their notes. Look for more in future Tuesday Raiders.
“The show must go on” may be the theatre’s best-known maxim. Jackson Academy Theatre has taken the saying to a new level, adapting their spring plans to fit the times by taking projects and productions online. In Director of Theatre Arts Kerri Sanders’ theatre tech class, the spring syllabus includes learning costume construction using hand-sewing techniques in the classroom. Instead, students are putting those same skills to use as they sew surgical masks at home.
Upper School American English teacher Sandra McKay works to make respect reciprocal. She wants students to feel respected, to respect one another, and to respect their teachers and the educational experience.
JA Upper School Chair of the Science Department Sarah Shaw and Spanish Honorary Sponsor Leah Busby announce the 2019-20 Upper School inductees into the National Science Honor Society and the National Spanish Honor Society. Each Thursday look for other JA academic honor society inductions presented by our faculty. Congratulations to these students for their academic accomplishments!
Within a moment, it seemed, parents, students, and teachers were operating in an uncharted, oddly constrained environment. Individually and collectively, they rose to the occasion, making the most of the situation. Parents’ cards, emails, and letters of appreciation to faculty and staff share glimpses from inside the thresholds Jackson Academy families. Some teachers say the notes and emails have “carried” them through this time. Read Postcards from Home from parents who’ve given us permission to reprint their notes. Look for more in future Tuesday Raiders.
Senior Wisdom Ware and sophomore Natalie Turner gained recentrecognition for their writing. Both students previously received Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for creative writing and have served as editor of JA’s creative writing magazine, Images.
JA Upper School Chair of the Mathematics Department Roxie Hood, Latin teacher and Latin Honorary sponsor Rebecca Fowler, and Chair of the History Department Dee Ball announce the 2019-20 Upper School inductees into Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society, National Junior Classical League for Latin, and Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society. Each Thursday, look for other JA academic honor society inductions presented by our faculty. Congratulations to these students for their academic accomplishments!
The Distinguished Alumni Award is JA’s newest way to recognize the contributions of alumni. The award will be presented annually to an alumna or alumnus who is leading a life of purpose and significance through professional achievement, service to the community, and/or loyalty to Jackson Academy. JA’s first recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award is Phillip Bowman ‘86.
What is an infographic? According to Dictionary.com, an infographic is “a visual image, such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.” Students in sixth grade literature recently read an article published in Scholastic Scope magazine titled The Truth About Binge-Watching. After reading the article, the students created infographics communicating what they learned about binge-watching.