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Alpha and Omega Sends Love Overseas

Each year at JA, kindergarteners and seniors are matched with one another to form a mentoring relationship through the Alpha and Omega program. Their connection is evident when they see each other, often greeting one another with a big hug. Throughout the year they do many activities together. At times they have played basketball together and enjoyed picnics on the football field, but this month things got a bit more meaningful.


Friends 4-Ever!

Four is one of the world’s favorite numbers. So, when you pair four year olds and fourth graders, special friendships are bound to happen. The kickoff of Jackson Academy’s 4-4 Buddy Program was celebrated this morning. Fourth graders visited K4 classrooms and read a favorite book to their K4 buddy.


Teacher Harriett Eppes Recognized

Third grade teacher Harriett Eppes received a call last week letting her know she had been selected as a winner in the People category in Jackson Free Press Best of Jackson awards. She was named Best Teacher for 2020 by the publication.


Seventh Graders Study Mythology

In Cassie Alston’s literature class, seventh grade students have been studying ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The Western world has origins in ancient Greece, with allusions to ancient Greece’s deities and heroes abounding in modern literature.


Parker Harris Leads JA’s Baseball Program

Fifty young baseball hopefuls eagerly took turns at the plate at Jackson Academy’s Raider Park. The second through seventh graders were part of a program called Hitting with the Raiders that newly-named Varsity Head Baseball Coach Parker Harris and his coaching staff instituted this year.