
Softball is Growing!

When Coach Tyler Parvin joined Jackson Academy four years ago, the softball team could not have a varsity team because there weren’t any players above the ninth grade. During the 2022 season, the team graduated one senior and had 13 sixth graders play, with other teammates coming from grades in between.


Staff Debuts Fresh Look for ‘JA Chronicle’

The Jackson Academy student newspaper staff reimagined and redesigned “The JA Chronicle” for this school year. Debuted last week, much of the introductory issue focused on relationships, highlighting new students, coaches, and staff, and telling the stories of JA’s community through fun facts, summer trips, and trivia.


Homecoming Court Honored Friday Night

Jackson Academy celebrated homecoming Friday with a day-long series of events culminating in a victory in The Brickyard, bringing the Raiders to a 5-1 record. Before the game, the homecoming court and first-grade attendants paraded down Sheffield Drive on golf carts driven by fathers for a grand entrance into the stadium.


Equestrian Team Brings Home Ribbons

The Jackson Academy Equestrian Team rode Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25 at Winterview Farm in Madison. The Raiders joined teams from MRA, Prep, and the Southeast region. The team’s next show is November 5 at Winterview, hosted by the St. Andrew’s IEA team.