
Learning by “doing” in STEM Labs

Nayan Malhotra, 7th Grade How does wind work? What does skin do to protect us? What is an “intelligent home”? Students in second through eighth grades at Jackson Academy will not only ask these type questions, they will answer them in tangible ways through experiences in three new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) labs […]


Quarter One Honor Rolls

Seventh Grade Honor Roll: Ashlyn Adair, Addison Avdoyan, Ashley Brown, Samantha Brown, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Rebecca McRee Costas, Daniel Courtney, Jack Crisler, Cam Diket, Camille Felder, Sarah Fisher, Owen Fracchia, Jarvon Gaines, Charlie Gautier, Jack Gideon, Ansley Hill, Ramey Hogue, Katherine Kelly, Celeste Knighton, Sean Lackey, Francie LeDuff, Nayan Malhotra, Latham Nance, Richard Newman, John […]


Mission Mississippi Holds Prayer Breakfast

November 5, Mission Mississippi Breakfast on JA campus, 6:45 a.m. PAC Gallery, all invited  As most are getting up and ready for work on November 5, Jackson city leaders will be discussing some difficult topics. That has been Mission Mississippi’s goal since its inception. It uses faith to start frank discussions about race, Jesus Christ, and […]


Congratulations to the JA Cross Country Teams

Congratulations to our Cross Country teams as they finish the season. Curt Knight placed 1st in the MAIS overall for boys, and Erin Hederman took 2nd for the girls this past weekend. Earlier, girls team won 1st place and the boys won 2nd place in the MAIS N AAA meet. In the N AAA boys […]


SAIS Distinguished Service Award

Peter Jernberg (left)  receives the SAIS Distinguished Service Award Sunday, October 27, at the SAIS/MISBO Annual Conference in Atlanta along with Bill Jablon (center) from Maclay School in Tallahassee, Fla., and Bob Chambers from Athens Academy in Athens, Georgia. JA President Peter Jernberg received the SAIS Distinguished Service Award Sunday, October 27, at the Southern […]


JA Cafe–Wrapped and Ready

The JA Cafe introduced a new service this week-the JA Cafe Cart. During break and lunch, the cart will be located near the student commons and will be stocked with a variety of meal items and snacks. Cash only. Click here to view the JA Cart Menu


National Merit Semifinalists Video

Students who’ve qualified as National Merit Semifinalists know what it takes to generate excellent academic work. Yet along with high scores on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, semifinalists at Jackson Academy show that an individual can be a scholar and a well-rounded person, too. “What I like best about this group of students […]


National Merit Semifinalists

(From left): Ally Thigpen, Andrew Hanebuth, and Grace Golden Click here to view a video interview with each semifinalist Students who’ve qualified as National Merit Semifinalists know what it takes to generate excellent academic work. Yet along with high scores on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, semifinalists at Jackson Academy show that an […]


Macworld discusses JA’s use of technology

The technology publication Macworld recently referenced JA as an example of how to bring technology to students in an effective way in an article entitled, “iPads in schools: The right way to do it.” Our own Eddie Wettach, dean of technology, was interviewed and quoted in the article. Read the full Macworld article here