Upper School News

From PSAT to Serving Their Community

Sophomores and freshmen took a break from class work last Wednesday after taking the PSAT that morning. The students participated in community service projects for a variety of locals organizations. Faculty and staff accompanied the students and worked with them. The tenth grade class went to CJ Stewart Ranch in Clinton where they did some […]


21st Century Concepts Meet Real-World Applications

As a business owner, what is your ethical responsibility if customer records are hacked? Or, when you donate to a charity, do you simply give upon request, or do you evaluate the organization? Students in Bronwyn Burford’s class at Jackson Academy are learning to thoroughly evaluate such cases. It is all part of a financial […]


Quarter One Honor Rolls

Upper School Academy Honor Roll Ninth Grade Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Blaine Bowman, Hadley Brennan, Sam Ciaccio, Kellan Clower, Hannah Collums, Sara Thomas Easley, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Emma Lucas, Dolph Maxwell, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, James McLemore, Gracie Meck, Kennedy Neal, Jeffery Richburg, Olivia Stringer, Lillie Walker, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams […]


Rube Goldberg Machines

Conceptual physics students spent a week in the Black Box Theater creating Rube Goldberg machines that perform a simple task through an elaborate set of chain reactions. Each simple machine performed a task that results in a long string of actions that lead to an ultimate result.  These groups chose ringing a bell and popping […]


JA Students Recognized by the National Merit Program

(From left, back): Matt Whitfield, Will Tribble, Grady Fisher, William Bell; (front) Mary Brooks Thigpen, and Elizabeth Burford. Jackson Academy National Merit Semifinalists and commended students have a significant trait in common — they like being challenged. Whether navigating white water rapids in West Virginia, improving a cross-country track time, or delving deep into AP […]


Homecoming Recap

Homecoming Court Seniors: Eliza Lundy, JP Clark, Sarah Allen Bowman, Wesley Rule, Elizabeth Burford, Lee Blair, Kristen Clower, Samuel Anderson, Chrisshawn Turner, and Blake Brennan Juniors: Kendall Cockayne, Gus Barnett, Rose Maxwell, Chance Waltman, Abbey Lindsay, and Ford Williams Sophomores: Malon Stratton, Win Varner, Meg Rice, Zach Brister, Conley Chinn, and Wilson Furr First Graders: […]


Lunch to Lead

Lunch to Lead is a new opportunity at Jackson Academy for Upper School students. Community members share information about their occupation, community service, and other topics.  Dr. Mike McMullan was the first speaker and addressed interested students during an extended lunch break.  He discussed his career as an interventional cardiologist and offered tips for becoming […]


A Student for a Day at Jackson Academy

[slideshow_deploy id=’8771′] Click here to view all of the photos from Cliff’s experience as a student on Facebook. This past Thursday, I experienced one of the best days I have ever had at Jackson Academy in the 14-plus years I have served the school. I had the wonderful privilege of being a student for the […]


Upper School Club Fair

[slideshow_deploy id=’8556′]Representatives from the many clubs offered in Upper School were on hand to answer questions and sign up new members at the annual Club Fair.  Students in grades nine through twelve could choose one groups that match their interests including Chess, Health & Fitness, Biomedical, Spanish, Service, Book, and other clubs.  Faculty members serve […]


Engineers Deliver Real-World Lessons to JA Students

[slideshow_deploy id=’8392′] Wednesday’s engineering class began with a safety briefing by student Will Varner about emergency escape routes at JA. Class ended with a discussion about tissue engineering. In between, students’ attention remained on alert as Dr. Jerry Gilbert, Mississippi State University provost and executive vice president, talked about his work and research in prosthetic […]