All News News

Second Quarter Honor Rolls

Honor rolls for grades 7 through 12 for the second quarter of the 2014-15 school year are as follows: Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade: William Bell, Hunter Berry, Elizabeth Burford, Kristen Clower, Caroline Duncan, Maris Hardee, Hannah Jane LeDuff, Jake Manning, Suzie Raines, Tori Roberts, Thad Scott, Mary Brooks Thigpen, Will Tribble, Ann Elizabeth Walker, […]


College Presidents Address the Future and How to Prepare For It

(From left, back): John Lundy, Pat Taylor, Peter Jernberg, Cliff Kling, Matt Morgan, Steve McCartney; (front): Bill LaForge, Mark Keenum, and Lee Royce. College presidents from three Mississippi institutions spoke to faculty and staff yesterday about higher education as part of Jackson Academy’s Professional Development Day. Bill LaForge of Delta State University, Lee Royce of […]


JA Family Funds Scholarship for Prospective Ole Miss Business Student

Pictured (from left): Phillip and Audra Bowman. Jackson Academy seniors pursuing a business degree at Ole Miss have the opportunity to apply for a generous scholarship thanks to the generosity of JA Trustee and alumnus, Phillip Bowman ’86, and his wife, Audra. The Phillip and Audra Bowman Ole Miss First Scholarship in Business provides annual […]


JA to Make BIG Announcements

Don’t Miss an Important JA Community Event! Join the JA community at 5:30 p.m. January 15 in the Performing Arts Center for two significant announcements. Refreshments will be served by the JAA. Everyone who attends will receive a gift item. The Student Council will provide childcare. Don’t miss this event where we’ll reveal the collective […]


Therapy Dog Visits Lower School

[slideshow_deploy id=’9918′] Occupational Therapist Jenn Sivak of Methodist Rehabilitation Center brought Puma to visit the Lower School. Puma is a trained Facility dog that works with patients at Methodist. Dogs like Puma are raised by volunteers, then complete a six to nine month training with Canine Companion instructors. Ms. Sivak explained how Puma helps patients […]


Sister Dorothea Encourages JA Students to ‘Take the High Road’

Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, who served as president of St. Dominic’s Health Services from 1995 to 2012, spoke Tuesday, Dec. 2 to students at JA’s Lunch to Lead program, a regularly scheduled optional program that offers students insights into leadership. During Lunch to Lead, students gather in the gallery of the PAC, are provided lunch, and […]


Tori Roberts Signs with Arkansas State

Tori Roberts of Ridgeland signed her National Letter of Intent with Arkansas State at River Hills Club November 16. Tori will receive a full tennis scholarship. Tori was joined by her parents Stan and Colleen Roberts and coaches T.J. Middleton and Courtenay Middleton.


Chief Vance Visits and Tours JA

(From left, back) Peter Jernberg, Pat Taylor, Keith Freeman, Lee Vance, James McGowen, Cliff Kling; (front) Eliza Lundy, Wesley Rule, Rocky Wilkins, and Matt Morgan. City of Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance and members of his team joined students, faculty, and administrators at JA for lunch and a tour November 19. Attending with Chief Vance […]


Students Gather 3,000 Books for Brown Elementary

(From left, back) Emily Thompson, Natalie Thompson, Megan Gautier, (front); Anna Claire Seago, and Mary Grace Downs. A group of JA sixth graders have coordinated a book drive to benefit students at Brown Elementary. Brown Elementary in Jackson offers Accelerated Reading, but needs books to make the program work well. Megan Gautier, Natalie Thompson, Emily […]