All News News

Third Quarter Honor Rolls

Honor rolls for grades 7 through 12 for the third quarter of the 2014-15 school year are as follows: Academy: Twelfth Grade William Bell, Hunter Berry, Sarah Allen Bowman, Elizabeth Burford, Kristen Clower, Grady Fisher, Maris Hardee, Maggie Hubbard, Hannah Jane LeDuff, Jake Manning, Suzie Raines, Tori Roberts, Thad Scott, Mary Brooks Thigpen, Will Tribble, […]


Career Day Highlights Job Prospects for College Grads

Every other year the Counseling Office and Alumni Relations Office host Career Day for juniors and seniors. This year, Bethany Cooper, a corporate recruitment and talent management coordinator for FNC, Inc. in Oxford, Miss., presented the keynote talk. Her presentation was followed by track sessions featuring medical (physician, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, and physician assistant) […]


Valentines for Veterans

Led by the MS Impact Club, middle school students participated in a service project for veterans at the local VA hospital. Students donated candy and each middle school student made a Valentine’s Day card. Student volunteers packaged the donated candy and attached a card to each. The cards and treat bags were delivered to the […]


Our New Mission Statement and All for One

Our New Mission Statement and All for One —- The Power of Common Language On January 15th, we announced Jackson Academy’s new mission statement to our school community. While I had the honor of presenting it, the new mission statement was developed collaboratively through a yearlong process by twenty members of the Mission Statement Task Force. At […]


Pitsco Taps Cliff Powers for Advisory Group

Pitsco Education, the company that is the provider of STEM equipment at JA, has selected Lower School STEM instructor Cliff Powers to serve on an advisory group for the company. Members of the Teacher Advisory Group (TAG) serve a yearlong appointment. The acceptance letter noted that “The Product Innovation team at Pitsco Education reviewed all […]


Scholars Prepare for College with ACT Preparation and Testing

Jackson Academy junior and seniors who have scored 29 or above on the National ACT include the following pictured above: (from left, back) Zach DePriest, Rebecca Nosef, Caroline Duncan, William Bell, Chandler Sessums, Hayden Berry, Davis Rippee, Matt Whitfield, Kyle Kantor, Thad Scott, Dalton Gibson, Tyler McClellan, Cory Tirman, Gavin Funderburg, Brennan Canton, Hannah McCowan, […]


Wendy’s Heisman Winners

The Wendy’s High School Heisman Program honors high school seniors with a leadership award for well-rounded young men and woman. Students who apply are judged based on their academic achievements, athletic accomplishments, community-leadership, and involvement in various extracurricular activities during grades 9 through 11.  Scholarship Management Services, the nation’s largest designer and manager of education […]



The Jackson Academy community celebrated the launch of a revised mission statement and new language to express JA’s unique strengths and qualities January 15 and 16. JA President Cliff Kling presented the revised statement of our enduring mission, developed through a careful, yearlong process of gathering input from the JA community by members of the […]


Superkids Reading Program

[slideshow_deploy id=’10153′] Kindergarten students enjoyed emulating their favorite Superkids characters on a special dress up day.   Superkids is a reading program that focuses on the 26 letters of the alphabet. Students systematically learn to read and write letters, to associate letters with sounds, to blend letter-sounds to form words and sentences, to read and write […]


JA vs. JP Live Stream

Come Support Your Raiders and Lady Raiders Tomorrow’s Jackson Academy vs. Jackson Prep Varsity Basketball Games will be live-streamed from The Raider Dome. In partnership with SuperSport 930 and the JA Athletic Booster Club, both the girls and boys games will be broadcasted on the JA Livestream Channel. Air time is at 4:30 p.m. (subject […]