Middle School News

Chapel Services Give Students Space for Spiritual Growth

Chapels have been considered places of sanctuary for millions of people since the Christian faith inspired their construction. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the school year, our Performing Arts Center and occasionally our gymnasiums become places of sanctuary from the rush of the school year as students gather to learn more about God. Last week, the Upper, Middle, and Lower Schools all held their first chapel meetings of the year.


Seventh Graders Raft the Okatoma

River water enveloped their senses – the smell, feel, sight, sound, and, sometimes, the taste of it – as seventh graders fought to navigate the current. The seventh grade took a trip to the Okatoma River last Friday, participating in a day-long canoeing excursion where students are encouraged to develop resilience and teamwork as they overcome challenges with the help of others.


Third Quarter Honor Rolls

Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Blaine Bowman, Hadley Brennan, Hannah Collums, Ilana Dallaire, Lacey Irby, Erin Jones, William Laird, Braden Lewis, Robert Lewis, Randolph Maxwell, Elizabeth McCubbins, Elizabeth Nosef, Alexa Perkins, Maggie Smith, Lillian Walker, Emma Ward, Margaret Whitehead, Anna Williams Eleventh Grade Ashlyn Adair, Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, […]


Eighth Grade Gets a Taste of Reality

Reality hit eighth grade students last Friday. At Jackson Academy’s first Reality Fair each student was given a paycheck based on a career they are interested in pursuing. Each paycheck included a pay stub that showed all tax deductions required by law. Using their after-tax earnings to form their budget, students moved through a rotation […]


Show Choirs Impress Judges and Audiences for Big Wins

Jackson Academy’s show choirs began their competition season Friday and Saturday on a high note. JA’s Middle School and Upper School groups delivered impressive performances that yielded enthusiastic applause, accolades, and the judges’ top award for Encore at Jackson Prep’s Show Choir Masters Competition. Showtime Showtime earned first runner up in the Large Division for […]