Upper School News

No-Shave November for a Cause

Around the beginning of November, senior Hiser Funderburg went to Head of Upper School Brandi Richardson’s office. The senior proposed the idea of allowing Upper School males to grow out their facial hair. Richardson talked with Hiser about how there should be a purpose or something of substance to go along with it.


SGA Leadership Luncheon

The Student Government Association hosted a Leadership Luncheon at JA, inviting student government executive boards from surrounding independent schools and universities. Student leaders from Hartfield Academy, Jackson Prep, Madison-Ridgeland Academy, Mississippi College, Mississippi State, and The University of Mississippi attended.


Math Lab Solves Problems, Celebrates Successes

“Got a problem? We are here to help you solve it.” The Math Lab’s slogan is much more than a play on words. Students bring actual math problems to the lab. They work with teachers to increase their understanding, overcome limits and anxiety, and even push for higher achievement. With Math Lab, students improve grades and build confidence.


Writing Center Develops Confidence and Competence

Modeled after a college writing center, the Jackson Academy Writing Center is available daily for all ninth through twelfth-grade students during seventh period. The goal of the Writing Center is to encourage students to utilize built-in academic support to refine their writing before college.


Harvard-bound for Leadership Program

Six Jackson Academy eleventh graders are traveling to a business conference at Harvard University this month. Cameron Benton, Julia Berman, Logan Rohman, Caroline Johnston, Ella Boykin, and Anna Catherine Bennett will attend the Harvard Women in Business BOLD Conference on November 11-12.


Quiz Bowl Year Begins with a Win

JA’s Upper School Quiz Bowl team defeated Brandon High 315 to 180 in its first match of the year at the Mississippi College Academic Tournament. The win advances the team to the next round of competition, the quarter-finals. JA’s next match in the Mississippi College Academic Tournament will be against Jackson Prep on November 14.