Preschool News

Community Helpers Day in K3

To a three-year-old, a box of dress-up clothes is a portal to a world of possibilities. Last Friday, the K3 classes stepped through such a portal to imagine the world of the community helpers who keep us safe. The students arrived dressed up as firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, and many other community helpers and paraded through the playground for all of their Preschool and Lower School friends to see.


A Message from the Office of Counseling

“These are unprecedented times” is a phrase that has been used frequently over the last several weeks. Because we have never experienced a disruption like this before, you and your children may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. These emotions can alternate from elation, to worry, to fear.


Friends 4-Ever!

Four is one of the world’s favorite numbers. So, when you pair four year olds and fourth graders, special friendships are bound to happen. The kickoff of Jackson Academy’s 4-4 Buddy Program was celebrated this morning. Fourth graders visited K4 classrooms and read a favorite book to their K4 buddy.


Hammering Away at Cancer

The JA campus community took action last week to beat breast cancer, making Friday’s pep rally a “Pink Parade,” sponsoring a fundraiser, and offering up-to-date prevention details to faculty and staff.


Ali Dinkins Turns New Page as Preschool Librarian

Shelves stacked high with beloved children’s books line the walls of Jackson Academy’s Preschool Library. Tiny chairs and tables are arranged around the room where Ali Dinkins’ lifelong love of books fuels her enthusiasm and captivates her daily audience of students. Dinkins has always loved picture books. She used them in high school speech classes […]


Superkids Reading Program

[slideshow_deploy id=’10153′] Kindergarten students enjoyed emulating their favorite Superkids characters on a special dress up day.   Superkids is a reading program that focuses on the 26 letters of the alphabet. Students systematically learn to read and write letters, to associate letters with sounds, to blend letter-sounds to form words and sentences, to read and write […]


K3 Learning Lab Becomes Active

S.M.A.R.T. Kids Lab The Preschool early childhood development learning lab for K3 is now in use. The state-of-the-art S.M.A.R.T. Kids Lab incorporates sensory-motor science, manipulative-based math, applied art, reading readiness, and technology time. With its airplane-shaped table and clouds suspended from the ceiling, the lab is a vibrant location for students to engage in hands-on […]