Lower School News

Fourth Grade Math Curriculum Measures ‘Just Right’

Yesterday, JA fourth graders looked at their math classrooms from a new perspective. Rulers in hand, they searched out items to measure, learning the length of desks, books, and even floor tiles as they studied measurement.

At JA, our fourth graders do math a little differently. Around 2005, Head of the Lower School Sarah Love heard of another school that had started dividing boys and girls into same-sex classes for mathematics. Love began doing research on her own and implemented gender-based math classes in 2006.


Making the Day Merry

JA brightens up the season each year with a “Merry JA Christmas Carpool,” this year held Thursday, December 10. Special friends such as Elsa, Ana, and the Grinch, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Claus, delighted students during their morning arrival.


Fourth Grade Presents ‘My Mississippi’ Program

The fourth grade presented the annual My Mississippi program last Friday to an audience of family members. The students sang and recited information about Mississippi’s geography, music, industry, agriculture, and famous citizens. The program was the first to be held by the Lower School this fall and set a precedent of excellence in planning and execution.


JA Carnival Delights Students

Last Friday, students in K3 through fourth grade took turns visiting the Brickyard to participate in the annual JA Carnival. Volunteers from the Jackson Academy Association, JA’s parent organization, had transformed the area from a field of competition to a field of celebration, with traditional carnival games ready for all to enjoy! Members of the JAA planned and prepared for months to provide a carnival like no other this year, resulting in a fun, memorable success.


Competition and Creativity Highlight Enthusiasm for STEM in Lower School

Spring break was one hour away as third graders made their way into the activities building to watch three teams compete in the final round of the third grade coding competition. Lower School STEM Teacher Cliff Powers welcomed family members who joined the audience of students and described the rules of the competition before announcing the beginning of the race for first place.


A Message from the Office of Counseling

“These are unprecedented times” is a phrase that has been used frequently over the last several weeks. Because we have never experienced a disruption like this before, you and your children may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. These emotions can alternate from elation, to worry, to fear.