Preschool News

Veterans Day Celebrated with Parade and Program

Last week, JA celebrated the heroes of the United States who have served in the military, both past and present. At the Lower School Patriotic Day on November 9, honored guests from the Armed Forces were invited to stand while the song that represented their branch of service played. Students presented the flags of the Armed Forces during the recognition.


Cheer and Accent Campers Perform at Game

The Cheer and Accent campers from this past JA Summer Camp performed at Friday’s football game with the Accents and cheer teams. The young, spirited campers showed off what they had learned during camps this summer. They experienced Friday night under the lights alongside their cheer and Accent role models.


Alpha & Omega Spring Picnic

This year’s Alpha and Omega Spring Picnic was loads of fun for everyone. Buddies reminisced about their memories from this school year. Kindergarten buddies have gone to senior graduation
activities, been given rides to school, and so much more.


JA Keeps Fresh a 120-Year-Old Story

Did you know that a real pet rabbit inspired the tales of Peter Rabbit? Beloved author Beatrix Potter began the stories of her pet in a series of letters written to cheer a boy who was ill. She started writing the notes in 1893 and published “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” in 1902.


K3 Nursery Rhyme Parade

Our K3 classes had their annual morning parade through the Lower School and Preschool building last Thursday, February 2. Young Raiders dressed as characters from their favorite nursery rhymes that they have been learning all year. There were appearances from Jack and Jill, the Cow Jumps Over the Moon, Humpty Dumpty, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and more!


JAA Annual Preschool Christmas Open House

A Candyland fantasy greeted excited preschool-age students Thursday evening at Jackson Academy. More than 250 current and prospective families gathered at the Administration parking lot to enter the school, recreated into a wonderland of festive stations offering sweet treats, holiday character greetings, and fun activities.


Preschool Celebrates Community Helpers Week

Preschool students learned about all their community helpers do, and at the end of the week, K3 students got to dress up as the community helper they admire most. The young doctors, firefighters, police officers, and more were celebrated during a parade around the Lower School playground.


A JA Tradition

Each weekend throughout the year in K4 and kindergarten, the most well-behaved student of the week in the class gets to take the class mascot home. Last week in Courtney Denton’s Birds class, these students had the opportunity to bring “Birdie” home for the weekend to tag along on all of their adventures. 


Making the Day Merry

JA brightens up the season each year with a “Merry JA Christmas Carpool,” this year held Thursday, December 10. Special friends such as Elsa, Ana, and the Grinch, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Claus, delighted students during their morning arrival.