Lower School News

Little Dribblers Develop Skills

JA’s Little Dribblers performed at halftime of the varsity girls’ basketball game December 12. The Little Dribblers develop ball handling skills and hand-eye coordination through this activity offered during P.E., and they perform several times each basketball season. Many of the Little Dribblers continue their interest in basketball, going on to become JA varsity athletes. […]


Little House Program

[slideshow_deploy id=’6212′] The Little House program was presented by the third grade in the PAC December 13. Each year, the class learns songs, skits, and poems that relate to the book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The square dances the students learn in P.E. and perform for the audience (shown in the […]


MAIS Elementary Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Beckie Moes who was selected as the Mississippi Association of Independent School’s Elementary Teacher of the Year at the MAIS-Education Association State Teachers’ Convention! She teaches second grade at JA. This is quite an honor for both Beckie and JA.