Last week, Jackson Academy recognized students who were selected for various end-of-the-year awards, including senior Beauties, Beaus, and Class Favorites.Chosen Most Beautiful was Mary Elise Lowe and Most Handsome was Merritt Nations.
Jackson Academy has awarded this year’s Distinguished Alumni Award to Ashley Edmonson Willson ’87. The award is presented annually to an alumna or alumnus leading a life of purpose and significance through professional achievement, service to the community, or loyalty to JA. Eligible nominees are JA graduates who have been an alumna or alumnus for at least 10 years before being nominated for the Distinguished Alumni Award.
Congratulations to the many Upper School students honored at Senior Awards Night on Monday and at Upper School Awards Day for ninth through eleventh grades Tuesday morning. At both ceremonies, parents and family members in the audience cheered on those students who earned top grades, character and service awards, scholarships, and honors awarded by their peers.
In partnership with Belhaven University, Mississippi Christian Living magazine recognizes high school seniors as future Christian leaders. Molly Baldwin, Gracie Drew Pratt, and Olivia Claire Williford will be recognized on March 7 at Belhaven University. Students submitted applications along with a personal statement and essay to qualify for this recognition. Out of the 30 finalists, one male and one female will each receive a $2,000 scholarship to the college or university of their choice, and two other finalists will receive smaller scholarships from Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Ballet Magnificat.
The National Junior Honor Society and the National Honor Society recognize students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Today, JA inducted 40 Middle School students and 69 Upper School students. Membership in one of the national honor societies indicates that a student excels in all areas of school life. Congratulations to […]
Alpha and Omega buddies, dressed in their holiday pajamas, chatted about their Christmas break plans over milk and cookies. After their sweet treats, buddies moved into the PAC to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”
Addi Roberts signed to continue her soccer journey at Holmes Community College. Addi is the daughter of Stacy and James Roberts. She has been a member of the Jackson Academy soccer team for six years and a varsity starter for the last four years. Addi is also involved in the track and field team, throwing shot put and discus. This year Addi won a state championship in shot put.
SOAR Director Dean Arnold spoke to this morning’s Upper and Middle School Chapel about childlike faith. Arnold referred to Matthew 18:1-4, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”