Unique traditions for each grade leading up to Christmas give students special memories of their school year. Teachers and parents put creativity and love into the events that celebrate the season and teach important lessons.
Bright Minds Give Good Hearts to the Grinch

The Grinch made a mysterious appearance on campus today. First graders, dressed in their best Grinch and Christmas outfits, quietly searched for the Grinch, who had mischievously upset their classrooms. They were ecstatic to spot the Grinch meandering across Raider Field. As students encouraged the Grinch to cooperate, their teacher presented him with the compassionate hearts they had created during class. Each heart had an uplifting message. The Grinch’s heart grew three sizes larger today, thanks to our kind and giving first graders.
Students Gots Tickets Punched for Railway Adventure

Second graders peeped through blue curtains early this morning to be delighted by an enchanting Polar Express scene. They lined up outside the Lower School office at the start of school, had their tickets punched to enter the Polar Express, and then headed to their decorated classrooms. In keeping with the theme, students decorated wooden train ornaments. Santa made a special visit, giving each student a silver bell so the bells would ring in their homes for children who believe.

Third Grade Reindeer Games

Third graders rotated through classrooms today participating in activities ranging from games to crafts. In one game, they raced to turn fellow students into Rudolph with antlers and red noses. Other games included Bingo and basket toss. So that Rudolph and Santa’s other reindeer keep their energy up for their all-important Christmas Eve mission, third graders blended up magic reindeer food.
A Forest of Trees Filled Fourth Grade

As fourth grade observed its Christmas tradition, Trim the Tree Day, trees appeared everywhere. Teachers and students dressed as trees or in tree-themed attire. Rotating through fourth-grade classrooms, students participated in a different activity in each. They worked on art, played charades, acted out a drama, and competed in Cahoot. They received their final ceramic Christmas tree creations from art class, fired in a kiln, and ready to take home.
Designing the Tackiest of Tacky

Fifth graders got laughs today by dressing in Tacky Christmas attire, trying to see who could sport the tackiest Christmas sweater or outfit. Their activities included designing ugly sweater art, watching a Christmas movie, and making a manger scene. Fifth graders rotated through classrooms for each activity.