Lower School Chapel focused on being the Hands of Gratitude last week. Head of Lower School Sarah Love referred to Ephesians 1:6, “I never stop giving thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.” Love also talked about how we can use our hands to thank people for all they have done.
Love read a book that described the work of scientists, cooks, farmers, police, teachers, and more. They discussed ways they use their hands for work and how they can use their hands to thank people. Lower School students exemplified how they can use their hands to thank the people around them during chapel.
Whether giving someone a high five, a hug, or making someone a card, it’s important to make sure people know they are appreciated. Students thanked special people on JA’s campus, inviting maintenance and custodial staff to the stage to receive cards the children had made. JA is so grateful for all they do.