Jackson Academy baseball players are using former Tulane University Head Coach Joe Brockhoff’s Super 8 Hitting System that employs video analysis to hone their batting this year. And, they are going to test out their swings during games scheduled at Trustmark Park February 13 and 18.
Video Hitting Analysis

Brockhoff brought his Super 8 Hitting System to the Raiders this past week. By watching a slow-motion video of the players’ batting, Brockhoff was able to identify their specific needs and give them drills to create a perfectly fluid and powerful stroke. Coach Brockhoff has been featured in the New Orleans Sugar Bowl Hall of Fame, and has worked with LSU, Florida State University, and Mississippi State University.
JA Head Baseball Coach Parker Harris said the 50 students on the varsity, junior varsity, and junior high teams are benefitting from the system Brockhoff developed. The approach uses “hitting stations” for player development, Harris said. During the video station, players review film and break down their swings with guidance from Coach Brockhoff and other coaches.
Games at Trustmark Park

JA baseball players are also preparing to play their first two home games in a larger venue. Coach Harris said an arrangement was made with Trustmark Park in Pearl due to field conditions at JA’s Raider Park after heavy rains. “The Raiders are one of very few high school teams in the state to play at Trustmark Park this year,” said Harris.
Home games at Trustmark Park are Thursday, February 13 facing Washington School and Tuesday, February 18 facing Lamar School. Both nights, games are at 4 p.m. for junior varsity and 6 p.m. for varsity. As part of the opening night February 13, admission will be free. Concession stands will not be open at these games.
JA Baseball Schedules:
Varsity: https://goraiders.org/schedule.php?teamid=5&season=2019-20
JV: https://goraiders.org/schedule.php?teamid=7&season=2019-20