Jackson Academy student volunteers quickly tackled the task of sorting and boxing hundreds of books donated for the 60th Anniversary Book Drive. Collecting books was initiated to share the love of reading and to celebrate JA’s anniversary. JA was founded in 1959 as a school designed to teach reading using phonics.
JA families and members of the local community donated more than 3,500 books. This morning, a group delivered books to Spann Elementary, where JA students tutor young readers through the Barbara Bush Foundation’s Teen Trendsetters program. Books for adult readers will be delivered to Big House Books, a program designed to provide books for incarcerated adults.
Many thanks to all of the students, families, and members of the community who brought books. Kudos to students, including members of Teen Trendsetters, Service Book Club, Student Councils, and the Honor Council, who collected books in carpool and sorted books as well as their faculty advisors Bruce Sumrall, Castlen King, Rebecca Fowler, Audrey Wilkirson, and Katharine Todd. Thanks to the book drive sub-committee and Susan Ingram, chair, and the overall 60th Anniversary Committee and Sandra McKay, chair.