Honk JR.

Adapted for young performers, Honk! JR. is a heartwarming celebration of being different that is sure to delight audiences with its sparkling wit, unique charm, and memorable score. Witty and hilarious, but also deeply moving, Honk! JR. will treat audiences to equal amounts of laughter and tears.
Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother’s protective flapping. Feeling rather foul about himself, the little fowl finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along the way, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out being different is not a bad thing to be.
Friday, April 15: 7:00 p.m. Saturday, April 16: 7:00 p.m. |
Premium Seating Admission: $15 Regular Seating Admission: $10 Student/Faculty Admission: $5 |
Tickets for Honk! Jr. can be purchased online here or at the door.
Mutually Assured Destruction

A century’s worth of sibling squabbles is boiled down into ten vignettes in this era-hopping tribute to family. Each short play explores a distinct facet of brother and sisterhood, from fights over who caused mom and dad to split (1985: I’m Pretty Sure This Is Your Fault) to daring escape plots that only two sisters could pull off (1922: Very Very Cold Feet). No matter the decade, audiences will see themselves in these ten distinct shorts about the undeniable bond between siblings through the ages.
Saturday, April 23: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24: 2:00 p.m. Monday, April 25: 6:30 p.m. |
Premium Seating Admission: $15 Regular Seating Admission: $10 Student/Faculty Admission: $5 |
Tickets for Mutually Assured Destruction can be purchased online here or at the door.