Teams gathered at Bridlewood of Madison on Sunday, March 27 to compete in the JA Athletic Booster Club’s first Trivia Night. Participants enjoyed concession-stand favorites such as barbecue nachos, sausage dogs, pizza, and popcorn when the doors opened at 5:00. Then, at 6:00 Jim Wilkirson and Bryan Eubank served as dual emcees as they quizzed the teams with questions such as:
- Who was the first United States president to earn an MBA?
- How many commonwealths are in the United States?
- In the show “Elmo’s World,” what is the name of Elmo’s fish?
- How many years are in an eon?

After five rounds of questions with creative door-prize competitions in between, one team emerged victorious: World’s Problem Solvers. They received a $500 restaurant gift card, compliments of Jennifer & Derek Emerson of Walker’s Drive In, Local 463, and CAET, and a free table at next year’s event. Doolittle Raiders had the second highest point total, and The Octogenarians came in third.

Booster Club board members and a committee chaired by Geri Beth Smith volunteered throughout the evening, and the event served as a fundraiser for the Booster Club’s support of JA’s athletic program. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and participated to make this first Trivia Night a success. To quote one participant at the end of the evening, “Those questions were hard, but we have to do this again next year!”