April 30th, 2014

Taylor Medals 1
               Davis Rogers                                     Vivian Lang                                   Joseph Maxwell

One of the strengths of the well-rounded approach to education found at Jackson Academy is preparing students to excel at college-level work. A recent example is the recognition of three of our graduates as Marcus Elvis Taylor Memorial Medal designees at The University of Mississippi. Taylor Medals, the university’s highest academic award, recognize no more than 0.45 percent of undergraduates for meritorious scholarship and deportment. Recipients must have at least a 3.90 grade-point average. Seventy Taylor Medalists were designated this year and included Vivian Lang, in English, Joseph Maxwell, in psychology, and Davis Rogers, in physics. Rogers also will serve as ASB president for 2014-15, becoming one of 10 Jackson Academy graduates who has led a college or university student body as president or vice-president in recent years. Lang graduated from JA in 2010, and Maxwell and Rogers graduated in 2011.

Taylor Medals 2
                            Madison Coburn (front row, far left)                                        Matthew McMullan

Congratulations are also in order for JA alumni Madison Coburn (2010) and Matthew McMullan (2013). Coburn was one of 10 University of Mississippi seniors named to the school’s 2013-14 Hall of Fame. McMullan was named Most Outstanding Freshman Male at the University of Southern Mississippi.

If you have alumni news you’d like to share, sent it to Becky Greer at bgreer@jacksonacademy.org.