March 19th, 2014

For the second straight season Baseball play-by-play and stats for every game this season will be made available online through GameChanger. Once again fans, local media and other team followers can follow the team’s online “GameStream,” even when they can’t be at the field.

Too good to be true? Here’s how it works: A Scorekeeper uses the GameChanger iPad touch application to physically score each game. Every play and update recorded by the scorekeeper on the app – yes, every hit, run and strike – will be instantly posted online where registered fans can follow the action. Dozens of post-game statistics are also automatically compiled for every player.

“Live online game feeds have always been reserved for the big leagues – until now,” said Ted Sullivan, co-founder of the GameChanger technology. “The ability to now ‘watch’ a local high school game while you’re at work or in a business meeting is absolutely priceless – just ask any working parent with a kid on the field.”

Thanks to the Millsaps College Executive MBA Program, Raider baseball fans can sign up to follow the action here: GameChanger Jackson Academy