Lower School students participated in Field Day on Friday. Each year, Lower School students look forward to Field Day. This long-time JA tradition incorporates teamwork, competition, and hard work into exciting races that challenge strength, speed, balance, mind, and endurance. It is a fan-favorite event that students, teachers, and parents await each year.
To prepare for Field Day, the Lower School students practiced the different races during their P.E. classes. Some of the favorite races included a three-legged race, the balloon pop, and a tug of war for the fourth and fifth graders. Middle and Upper School students stopped by the Brickyard in between classes to cheer for the Lower School Raiders while Preschool students watched from the sidelines, anticipating their turn in years to come. K2 students even made an appearance to cheer on the Lower School.

Lower School Field Day displays a great atmosphere of camaraderie, filled with support and smiles. The exciting tradition marks the soon-approaching end of the school year as students and teachers anticipate the summer ahead.