Ashley Adcock’s fifth-grade science students learned about the respiratory system and how air moves through the lungs. Students had a week full of related activities. Classmates created art of the lungs and placed each part where it belongs in the body. Students were able to demonstrate in a glass bowl the movement lungs make when one inhales and exhales.

“Last week, students took a deeper look into the anatomy of the human body,” said Adcock. “In my science class, students focus on the important body systems. Right now they are learning about the respiratory system and the significance of how our lungs work. Students did an activity on Friday where they measured their lung capacity using balloons to see how much air their lungs can actually hold.”

Students tested the capacity of their own lungs by blowing air into a balloon. Each group of students would take a deep breath, blow into the balloon, and then measure the circumference of the balloon to compare to each student’s breath. Students learn by doing; that is why these small activities are useful. These visuals allowed young Raiders to actively see the air moving from one space to another.