Jackson Academy K3 classes had their annual morning parade through the Lower School and Preschool building on Thursday, February 2. Young Raiders dressed as characters from their favorite nursery rhymes they have been learning all year. There were appearances from Jack and Jill, the Cow Jumps Over the Moon, Humpty Dumpty, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and more!

These creative students were able to express nursery rhymes through their costumes. Preschool and Lower School students were also a part of the National Nursery Rhyme Day magic! As the K3 students paraded around the JA campus, other students cheered on their sweet friends or siblings. Receiving smiles, greetings, and hugs, our K3 students love having supportive mentors.

Assistant Lower School Head, Sandra Triplett said, “The past few weeks our K3 students have had a blast learning about all the different nursery rhymes. Students have loved reading about the characters, acting out the stories, and making fun projects about each rhyme. They ended their unit by dressing up as their favorite nursery rhyme and celebrated with a parade. We loved seeing their creative costumes and proud faces as they marched around campus!”