Last Friday, students in K3 through fourth grade took turns visiting the Brickyard to participate in the annual JA Carnival. Volunteers from the Jackson Academy Association, JA’s parent organization, had transformed the area from a field of competition to a field of celebration, with traditional carnival games ready for all to enjoy! Members of the JAA planned and prepared for months to provide a carnival like no other this year, resulting in a fun, memorable success.
“While the carnival was a little different from our normal carnival, the children had a great time participating in many of our beloved games,” said JAA President Allison New. This year, each grade visited the carnival separately to ensure the health and safety of attendees. Students remained with their teachers and classmates as they rotated through the games led by masked volunteers. “The JAA appreciates the many wonderful volunteers who helped make this event possible,” New said.

A highlight of the carnival was the announcement of the 2020 Raider Raffle winner, Helen Ann Campbell! Campbell is the wife of Operations Coordinator Bill Campbell and mother of K4 student Jackson Campbell. The Raider Raffle’s grand prize is a $5,000 Disney vacation package or $5,000 in cash. Funds raised through the raffle help support the JAA’s projects throughout the year, such as teacher grants and treat days.
Thanks to the JAA, the 2020 JA Carnival will be a happy memory for years to come for students who attended. Thanks to the JA community’s generosity, the JAA will put funds raised through the event toward supporting JA’s teachers and students.