On Friday, first-grade grandparents traveled from near and far to be with their grandchildren for a special day at Jackson Academy. Grandparents experienced what a day in the life of a first grader is like.
JA first graders benefit from P.E. every day of the week at JA. Grandparents learned that P.E. is now more than calisthenics. Brain research has enhanced physical education. After watching students demonstrate body-brain warm-ups, grandparents joined grandchildren on the court for a bucket toss game. During bucket toss, adventurous grandparents practiced skipping, underhand toss, counting, following verbal directions, and taking turns–skills the six-year-olds practice regularly.

Movement complements learning at JA, yet the school’s academic focus remains primary. Grandparents were astonished as their first graders responded in Spanish to everything their language teacher asked them. Library time was spent allowing grandparents to take part in Morning Meeting led by the teachers, which is how the day begins in first grade. It is a time of devotion and prayer, and sharing and community. Then, students read a selected story from their first grade reader. Lower School Librarian Lynn Watson selected books that first graders could enjoy with their special guests. In music class, guests practiced learning to count and follow rhythm patterns as their grandchildren do. Grandparents were amazed by a coding demonstration in STEM class.

Grandparents Day showed family members how much school has changed while assuring them that excellence in learning is still at the heart of the school experience at JA.