One of the attributes that drew Head of Middle School James “J” Reeves to Jackson Academy was the school’s academic reputation. “I was looking for a position at a top-level school where academic excellence is stressed,” he said.
Reeves began serving as the Middle School leader June 1, and he now adds “welcoming” to JA’s attributes. “I’ve never been around a place that was more welcoming,” he said Monday. “It has been amazing.” Reeves has found the atmosphere of the school to be very focused on learning, with a great balance between academics and “the fun things we all remember about our school days.”
Caring for others is another attribute Reeves has noticed. Just yesterday he witnessed a Middle School student reach out to a new student who was eating alone. “That is a really good indicator of the environment JA offers,” he said.
Reeves brings to JA decades of successful and innovative teaching and senior administrative experience in highly rated public and independent institutions. He holds a bachelor’s degree in athletic administration from the University of Southern Mississippi and a master’s in school administration from Mississippi College.
Reeves’ wife, Wanda, is working in the Campus Store, and his daughter, Megan Logan, teaches eighth grade English and has four children who attend JA.