Second Grade

No longer fresh out of kindergarten, your child knows how school works. In this year at JA, your child will blossom as a more fluent reader, tackle the logic of numbers, and improve hand-eye coordination.

Second graders at JA explore working with numbers in real-world applications; understanding and summarizing books they have read; and learning about distinct animal classifications and oceanography.

One of the year’s highlights is the Little Dribbler program, in which ball handling skills are taught, then choreographed to music. The routines are performed at the halftime of varsity basketball games. It’s a self esteem-building experience that each child is sure to remember.

Second Grade Curriculum

Reading and Writing

Reading comprehension skills are a key emphasis in second grade. The reading program focuses on preparing your child to be an independent, self-motivated and critical thinker. Your child will learn to critically evaluate what he reads and express himself clearly in speaking and in writing. All second graders participate in the Accelerated Reader Program which fosters a love of reading and increases comprehension skills.


In Singapore math, skills and concepts are taught in different contexts. Your child will learn to recognize a problem, select an appropriate strategy, solve the problem, and reflect on the reasoning.


In second grade STEM, students explore units covering forces and energy, simple machines, the respiratory and circulatory systems, reptiles and amphibians, ecosystems, coding, and the sun, moon and stars. Students are also introduced to robotics using Lego components and software. Highlights of the year include catapult battles, launching rockets, and live animal interactions.

History and Social Studies

In social studies, your child will participate in a program that emphasizes the community, map and globe skills, and learning about geography through literature. During the study of Squanto, students map out Squanto’s travels around the world, stepping back in history to locations they are reading about.

Physical Education

Your child will participate in physical education five days a week. Continued reinforcement of the skills presented in the first grade provides the springboard for the further development of motor and manipulative skills, increased fitness awareness, and the incorporation of more group activities. More emphasis is given to kicking, striking, jumping, hand-eye, and foot-eye coordination skills. Listening skills, sportsmanship, respect, and character education are highly emphasized.

Lower School Calendar

  • Apr 02

    LS Chapel

  • Apr 08

    Heifer Project Ends

  • Apr 11

    5th Grade Play

  • Apr 17

    1st Grade Easter Parade

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