Two Named Christian Leaders of the Future

March 18, 2025 / News Releases/Upper School/All News

The March issue of Mississippi Christian Living magazine features 30 students who were named as Christian Leaders of the Future for 2025. Jackson Academy’s Aniyah Brown and Law Stanley are among the students featured. 

For 17 years, the magazine has been partnering with Belhaven University to honor seniors at a yearly awards program and in the magazine. Those selected demonstrate Christian character and academic excellence. From the 30, one young man and one young woman will receive a $2,000 scholarship to use at the college or university of their choice. Another will receive a smaller scholarship from the Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 

Aniyah is a member of Mount Charity Baptist Church of Ridgeland. In her essay, she talked about feelings of shame students can experience when they don’t feel good enough. She related a personal experience in which she learned through Isaiah 61:7 that God promises joy rather than shame when we don’t feel we measure up.

Law is a member of Broadmoor Baptist Church of Jackson. Law has witnessed God at work through a weekly Bible study that he helps host and lead. After participating in a study for high school boys that grew to a point of needing other locations, he agreed to begin hosting one at his home. He seeks guidance from a trusted church leader regarding the messages he shares. High school students have come to Christ through the Bible study.

Congratulations to Aniyah and Law for being named Christian Leaders of the Future!