Here are some check-in questions to ask yourself each day during this busy season to keep you happy and healthy during what can be a stressful time for students and families:
- Have I gotten enough rest? If not, what is something I can change to make sure I have?
- Have I eaten something healthy that fuels my body?
- Have I accomplished three things on my to-do list today?
- Have I shown kindness to others?
- Have I prayed or practiced gratitude today?
Some other tips and tricks for this time of year:
- Manage Holiday Expectations:
It’s okay if everything doesn’t get done! Focus on the reason for the season and spending time with the ones you love. If those expectations are being met you are doing a great job! - Set aside time each day to do something that brings you joy:
Call a friend, read a book, take a walk; anything that brings you a sense of peace and contentment. - Start a New Tradition:
If you’re experiencing feelings of grief or loss around the holidays, starting a new tradition can be a great way to move your mind towards the future and the wonderful new experiences to be had and shared! Please also remember it is always okay to continue to talk about the happy memories you have with those loved ones that are no longer with us. Give yourself space to feel those feelings and cherish those memories.
Merry Christmas and Go Raiders!
Mrs. Erin Neely
Middle School Counselor