October 18th, 2013

The JA Carnival Silent Auction is open. Bidding is available online at www.24fundraiser.com/jacarnival2013Click here for detailed information about the online bidding process.





As in years past, the silent auction items are set up in the Preschool Gym. The only thing changing is the way bids are placed. You will be able to bid from your Smartphone. There will be several iPads available in the silent auction room the night of Carnival with volunteers available to assist you. You will also be able to bid from the comfort of your home at your computer if you are not able to attend the Carnival.

There are some “can’t be missed” package deals! Each grade has also taken on a project to donate to the silent auction. These projects range from art created by our preschoolers to a variety of packages.

For questions regarding any of the silent auction items, please contact Kristie Speights at kspeights@me.com or 601.506.9265.  For questions regarding the online bidding process, please contact Amy Lampton at amyenders@hotmail.com or 601.572.5585.