December 10th, 2013
The Middle School has adopted several families, including approximately a dozen children, through the Good Samaritan Center. Faculty member Anne Keenan, the Middle School Student Council sponsor, is coordinating this annual service project and will help Middle School volunteers sort, organize, and wrap gifts for these children. The Upper School Student Council has offered to help with this project and is also collecting items for the families. To create a special Christmas for these families, the student councils are asking Middle and Upper School students to send any of the following:
  • New, unwrapped items with receipt attached (to exchange, if duplicated). If you prefer to buy a specific item from the child’s wish list, please contact Anne Keena and she will be happy to let you pick something from the listings.
  • Gift cards to Walmart, Target, Kroger, or fast-food restaurants such as Chick-Fil-A, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s.
  • Cash or checks (made payable to Jackson Academy) to help buy items such as bicycles, clothes, and coats.

The students will be collecting items until December 18!