February 6th, 2018

Jackson Academy’s Development Office recently made two new staff changes. Ebony Welch, who has worked as development services coordinator for the past two years, will now move to the role of annual giving coordinator. JA Preschool teacher Frances Bussey will serve as alumni coordinator starting June 1, replacing Haleigh Ritter who is now working in the admission office.


Frances, wife of JA alumnus John Bussey ’06, is a familiar face on the JA campus. Frances taught in the Preschool for five years and is excited to take on her new role.

“I hope to develop and maintain wonderful relationships with JA alumni,” Frances said. “I will miss working with the students, but look forward to making JA better beyond the classroom.”

Frances and John have a one-year-old son, Wyc.

The goal of the alumni coordinator position is to build positive relations with Jackson Academy alumni, help them see their importance to the institution, and keep them informed and involved in JA news and events. The office will also help alumni stay connected with each other through reunions and social and professional networking.


Ebony is in her third year at Jackson Academy. Prior to JA she worked in loan operations at Trustmark National Bank for 10 years and at St. Richard Church for five years.

The development services coordinator maintains giving records, acknowledges gifts to the school, and organizes development events. Now as annual giving coordinator, Ebony will add outreach for annual fund gifts to her responsibilities.

“Without the annual fund, JA just would not be the same place,” said Ebony. “We wouldn’t have the best teachers and an amazing Learning Commons and coffee shop. We wouldn’t have all the things that are so easily taken for granted such as nice carpet, updated lockers, and kid-friendly furniture. JA would be a bowl of ice cream, which is good, but what I do definitely adds the chocolate, the whipped cream, and the cherry on top. What’s ice cream without all the goodies we love?”

Along with managing systems and organizing events, Ebony in her new position looks forward to meeting more people. “My son, Cameron, started here in high school so I don’t have the same relationships that people do whose kids have been together since kindergarten. I’m looking forward to getting to know more people and learning their stories and discovering why they love JA.”