October 15th, 2013

Band at the Clinton Arrow Invitational

Congratulations to the JA Band for an exceptional performance Saturday, October 5th at the Clinton Arrow Invitational. The band earned the following awards:

Class 4A: First Place Band, Music, Color Guard, and Visual Effect

Overall: Third Place (First Place Petal HS, Second Place Germantown HS)

Music and Visual: Second Overall

General Effect: Third Overall

Thank you to the parents who helped all weekend. Special thanks to all the FIELD CREW members – this show would not make it onto the field without them – and to Charlette Oswalt and Jamie Niemeyer for organizing meals for the students.

Thanks also to Charlotte McClellan for the photos posted on the band blog at jaband.blogspot.com. There are more of Charlotte’s photos in the online gallery: CLINTON 2013, and on the JA Band Facebook page.