May 6th, 2014

As this school year comes to a close, the JAA is already planning for August and the start of a great 2014-15 school year. An important part of being ready for the start of a new school year is having the required and necessary school supplies on hand and ready for the first day of school.

Last year, over 95 percent of all parents ordered school supplies for grades 1 to grade 6 through the JAA utilizing EPI’s easy online ordering system. This year, the JAA has had multiple planning meetings with teachers and administrators to make sure the school supply lists created for each class fully encompass each and every item needed for your child to be ready to start school. Additionally, 7th and 8th grades have been included in the process, and lists are available for both grades this year.

Please see the link below for ordering instructions and prices. Ordering online will begin today and end May 16, 2014. School supplies can only be ordered online. Thank you for your continued support of JAA, and have a great summer!

Kind regards,

Jan Ishee
JAA President 2014-2015

Bobbi Harrison
JAA School Supplies Chairman

EPI School Supply Pack Information Form