On Valentine’s Day, seventh and eighth-grade girls came together for Bible study discussions about friendships and more. Middle School Literature Teacher Shelle Pinkard led the Bible study. The girls talked about their Middle School days.

“Just Us Girls by author Hannah Duggan is a Bible study designed specifically for middle school girls, Pinkard said.” Ms. Duggan asks all the relevant questions that go through a middle school girl’s mind every day. It is an effective study of what social, emotional, academic, as well as physical changes are taking place in this age group of girls.”
For instance, the book asks girls which Disney princess she is; if she had $100 to spend, how would she spend it; is she a straight-A student; is she a girly girl; or if she is one tough cookie? The book includes a fun personality quiz to get the girls thinking about in whom or what they place their identity.

The book also has an exercise that relays the message of how God identifies her. “Wonderful scriptures and affirmations are expressed throughout the study in hopes that each young lady who is a part of this will walk away from it knowing that her identity lies in who God thinks she is,” Pinkard said.
The Middle School girl’s Bible study offers a safe environment to feel heard, appreciated, and seen by God and classmates. Having role model teachers give words of encouragement in all aspects of life creates an accepting environment. Not only do JA students get academic support but spiritual and mental health are discussed during the Bible study.