Sometimes history seems far removed from current experience, but for JA seniors, meeting a WWII veteran yesterday brought the war that changed the world a bit closer. Seniors and chaperones visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, which is the official WWII museum of the United States. In addition to visiting with a veteran, students toured exhibits about the Road to Berlin and the Road to Tokyo in the new Campaigns of Courage Center as well as about D Day in the Louisiana Pavilion. At the Boeing Center, students saw WWII aircraft, jeeps, and tanks, and participated in a survey of ethical questions faced by the “greatest generation.” The seniors saw the Higgins Boats, used in amphibious invasions including D Day, and learned that they were built in New Orleans. After lunch at the American Sector Restaurant or the Soda Shop, they watched the 4D film Beyond All Boundaries, which was produced by Tom Hanks.

The expansive museum sits on a six-acre campus and currently has five buildings, with more underway. The trip is coordinated each year by AP Government Teacher Dee Ball and Associate Headmaster Bill Bunch.
Learn more about the WWII Museum
Learn about the WWII Museum exhibits
Many thanks to faculty and students for sharing their photos from the trip.