Students at Jackson Academy will now be able to take dual enrollment classes in language arts and math through Belhaven University. JA and Belhaven officials signed an agreement April 29 at the Belhaven campus.
Dual enrollment allows high school students who meet a college’s admissions requirements to take college classes for credit while completing high school. JA seniors, as well as some juniors, will have opportunities to take English Composition I, World Literature or British Literature, College Algebra, and Trigonometry.
“We have been exploring dual enrollment partnerships for some time, and once we began a dialogue with Belhaven University last fall we quickly recognized the dual enrollment arrangement discussed was the right fit for our students,” said Associate Head of School Matt Morgan.
“We’re thrilled to deepen our relationship with Jackson Academy,” said Belhaven University President Dr. Roger Parrott. “This partnership is a natural between two like-minded academic institutions that put faith and family first. Jackson Academy is known for its quality in college preparation, and Belhaven University can give JA students a continued push toward excellence in their pursuit of higher education.”
“Students who participate in dual enrollment will apply and meet college admission requirements, enroll as Belhaven students, and receive access to our library, events and arts programs, and the Think Center, which offers subject area tutoring,” said Belhaven University Director of Dual Enrollment Danny Shaw. Admitted students will participate in a summer orientation and campus tour. Courses for college credit will be taken on the Jackson Academy campus and will be taught by JA faculty whose degrees qualify them to teach at the college level. The university has worked with JA to credential faculty and make sure the curriculum meets all Belhaven requirements.
Officials indicated that the agreement is possibly just the beginning. Other course offerings and opportunities on the Belhaven campus are being discussed for the future.
“We are continually seeking ways to create opportunities for our students to fulfill their God-given potential, be prepared for the college years, and ultimately be adults who will live lives of purpose and significance,” said JA Head of School Jack Milne. “Dual enrollment with Belhaven University is an excellent way for our students to begin their college experience and prepare for the next step in their lives.”