On Friday, fourth grader Emmy Cannady represented Jackson Academy at the MAIS Overall Spelling Bee hosted by Hartfield Academy. Emmy competed in the Lower School spelling bee and the MAIS District Bee before advancing to the Overall Bee. In the Overall Bee, she competed in multiple rounds against students from all over the state of Mississippi.
The annual MAIS Overall Spelling Bee is a goal for many young spellers to reach but is difficult to achieve. The bee encourages students in fourth through eighth grades to pursue in-depth knowledge of words, including their origins, usage, and spelling. As the rounds continue, the words become harder to spell.
The room was full of JA friends, family, supporters, and even teachers. Calling the words was Nan Dear, Middle School reading teacher, and in the crowd was Emmy’s homeroom teacher, LaDonna Whitney. Emmy’s classmates even requested to support her via live stream, although against the rules. Whitney reported back the amazing results of Emmy’s spelling to her proud classmates on Monday as they celebrated her.