A stroller. A garment bag. A trash bag. A suitcase. A briefcase. A rolling cart. A wagon. For a fun diversion, seventh and eighth-grade students will have the opportunity to carry their school books and supplies in anything other than a backpack on Wednesday, February 2.
Joining in a trend that has been popular on social media recently, students across the country are participating in “Anything But a Backpack Day.” The cost for JA students is $3 to participate. Participation fees will be collected the morning of February 2 by Middle School Council Officers and Representatives outside. All proceeds will go to CARA (Community Animal Rescue and Adoption). CARA’s volunteers and employees take care of homeless animals. They help animals receive veterinary care, food, shelter, socialization, and other assistance. Fifth and sixth-grade students will wear animal-themed shirts and T-shirts on the same day.
Seniors Brooke Dennis and Law Stanley have been named Mississippi State University Presidential Scholars. Each year MSU gives its most prestigious scholarship to a small number of its most outstanding incoming freshmen who demonstrate excellence in academics, test scores, and high school and community leadership. The scholarship covers their tuition and housing for four years of undergraduate study and significant stipends for study abroad and undergraduate research. The 2025 Presidential Scholarship was awarded to 40 students from a pool of more than 700.
he Junior Philanthropist Club strives to educate its communities and become engaged in various environmental issues within the community and state. The club aids in protecting and preserving the environment, engaging with its communities through various activities, and learning more about how to become environmental leaders and advocates.
Coaches, faculty, and staff challenged Upper School students to a game of hoops, and it was a nail-biter! The Student Government Association helped organize the Faculty-Student Basketball Game to support local service projects, such as Education Matters Tutoring.