A stroller. A garment bag. A trash bag. A suitcase. A briefcase. A rolling cart. A wagon. For a fun diversion, seventh and eighth-grade students will have the opportunity to carry their school books and supplies in anything other than a backpack on Wednesday, February 2.
Joining in a trend that has been popular on social media recently, students across the country are participating in “Anything But a Backpack Day.” The cost for JA students is $3 to participate. Participation fees will be collected the morning of February 2 by Middle School Council Officers and Representatives outside. All proceeds will go to CARA (Community Animal Rescue and Adoption). CARA’s volunteers and employees take care of homeless animals. They help animals receive veterinary care, food, shelter, socialization, and other assistance. Fifth and sixth-grade students will wear animal-themed shirts and T-shirts on the same day.
When the closing school day bell rings, students are ready to expend some energy. Jackson Academy is a proponent of the importance of exercise. The school facilitates opportunities for students of all ages to develop lifelong healthy habits.
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves, in an official proclamation, declared January 28, 2025, to be known as Coach Jan Sojourner Day. The crowd inside the Jackson Academy Raider Dome responded with a lengthy standing ovation as the announcement was read. This recognition of JA's Varsity Girls Basketball Head Coach, retiring at the end of this school year after 40 years at the school, was the culmination of an incredible day on the campus of Jackson Academy.
Jackson Academy students take advantage of opportunities to develop skills by applying for leadership programs through various organizations. We congratulate the following students for their initiative and interest in learning about leadership this academic year.