- Clinton Arrow Invitational, in the Clinton High School Stadium, October 5th–JA performs at 4:30 p.m.
- Magazine sale packets will be sent home October 2nd to Lower and Middle School students, or contact charlette.oswalt@millsaps.edu for more information.
Musicianship, artistry, skill, precision, and competitiveness are all terms one could use in association with the JA Band. Our dedicated 24-member band puts in the hours of learning and practice so they represent JA with excellence.
To get ready for a year of performance and competition, the band started its season with a nine-day band camp: seven hours a day in the days leading up to the start of school. Once the show is fine-tuned, band members can be heard providing a drum line beat at pep rallies or in the stands at football games. The Jazz Band also supports JA during after-hours events such as Raider Night, an event this Thursday that showcases the seventh through twelfth learning community for JA fifth and sixth graders and prospective students.
Each year a different, creative show is developed based on the music of a particular performer or genre. Music from artists Steely Dan, Chicago, and Yes has enlivened past shows. The competition show this year is titled, A Place for My Stuff, and features the music of the rock band, Radiohead. The music is adapted by JA alumnus, Corey Carter.
Upcoming Band Performances
Clinton Arrow Invitational, Clinton High School Stadium
Saturday, October 5
Fourteen public school bands from around the state (including locally, Pearl, Ridgeland, Clinton, Germantown, and Florence) are participating, with performances starting at 2:00 p.m. JA’s performance time is 4:30 p.m., and awards will be announced at 6 p.m. The band would love to have a very supportive crowd to cheer them on. Admission for spectators is $10.
Pearl High School Marching Invitational
Saturday, October 12
Performance times have not yet been determined for that show, but it will be in the evening. Again, with the exception of JA, all participating bands are public.
MAIS Marching Band Festival, JA’s Raider Field
Saturday, October 26
The band will travel to Indianapolis, Ind., November 7-10, to compete against 39 bands from around the country at the Bands of America Super Regional Championship in Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the NFL Indianapolis Colts.
For updated information, photos, and more regarding the JA Band visit the JA Band Blog at jaband.blogspot.com