Jackson Academy’s Test Prep course students are experiencing notable advances in their ACT scores. From August to December 2024, all students in the class made strides in testing.
“The 34 students who took the actual ACT last semester gained 132 composite points over their baseline,” said Test Prep Teacher Ann Boswell Carlson. “One hundred percent of students have made gains in at least one area, and 97 percent of students made gains in multiple areas.”
Individually, six additional students in the Test Prep course have now met or exceeded the ACT mark of 29 for being selected for Mississippi’s Eminent Scholars Grant created by the Mississippi Legislature. Four additional students have moved their scores to the highest levels of the ACT college entrance exam at 30 and above, which positions them for prestigious scholarships granted by colleges and universities nationwide.
In addition to offering an ACT Prep course, JA regularly recognizes students scoring 29 and above on the ACT by placing their photo on the ACT wall in the Upper School and recognizing them on social media and in the school magazine. At the end of the 2024 academic year, 77 Upper School students were honored with this distinction. As a college preparatory school, JA proudly celebrates students’ pursuit of academic excellence.